Saturday, October 21, 2006

Die Forelle

This article was originally posted approximately 1995 on the Missouri Flyfishing Page.

Die Forelle

In einem Baechlein helle,
Da schoss in froher Eil
Die launische Forelle
Vorueber wie ein Pfeil.
Ich stand an dem Gestade
Und sah in suesser Ruh'
Des muntern fishleins Bade
Im klare Baechlein zu.

Ein Fischer mit dem Rute
Wohl an dem Ufer stand,
Und sah's mit kaltem Blute
Wie sich das fischlein wand.
So lang' dem Wasser helle
So dacht ich, nicht gebricht,
So faengt er die Forelle
Mit seiner Angel nicht.

Doch endlich ward dem Diebe
Die Zeit zu lang.
Er macht das Baechlein tueckisch truebe,
Und eh' es ich gedacht
So zuchte seine Rute
Das Fischlein zappelt dran,
Und ich mit regem Blute
Sah die Betrogne an.

Die ihr goldner Quelle
Der sichern Jugend weilt,
Denkt doch an die Forelle;
Seh' ihr Gefahr, so eilt!
Meist fehlt ihr nur aus Mangel
Der Klugheit. Maedchen seht
Verfuehrer mit der Angel! --
Sonst blutet ihr zu spaet.

This poem was written by Christian Schubart, and the first three stanzas were set to music by Franz Schubert as a "lied" and as a series of variations that comprises movement 4 of the "Trout Quintet"

The first three stanzas leave a distinct "anti angling" taste in the mouth, but when the fourth stanza is added, it is correctly seen as an allegorical warning to young women to beware the wiles and hooks of seducers; or more generally, for youth to not be in such a hurry to lose their innocence. One can also see the imagery of the first three stanzas for what the poet intended.

A rough translation follows:

In a bright little brook
there swam, with happy speed,
the humorous trout
like an arrow.
I stood on the bank
and watched in sweet silence
the cheerful trouts bathing
in the clear little brook

A fisherman with his rod
came to the stream bank
and watched with cold blood
as the little fish swam.
as long as the water runs clear
so I thought without question
he will not catch the trout
with his hook.

But finally the wait was too long
for the thief.
He made the water malignantly turbid
and before I could think,
his rod shook spasmodically
with the convulsing trout.
And I, with my blood aroused,
looked at the betrayed.

You who wait in safety
at the golden spring of Youth,
Consider the trout
and realize your danger.
You usually go wrong
from lack of awareness.
Young women, see the seducers
with their hooks,
otherwise you will be too late.

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